Brief Manual • If you have stand-alone documents you created with a previous version, you may upgrade them to version 4.0 documents just by opening them with DOCMaker v4.0 and re-saving them. You may check which version of DOCMaker (or DOCter) created a document by selecting ‘About DOCMaker’ under the Apple menu when you run the stand-alone document. Note - Documents saved from version 4.0 will not open correctly into any previous version of DOCMaker.   Creating Documents • DOCMaker may be configured to open to an untitled window or to the Open dialog when launched. This is accomplished by choosing Preferences under the Control menu and selecting the desired option. • DOCMaker recognizes any TEXT file, any existing stand-alone document and any TeachText file for opening. • You may append a TEXT file at the insertion point of the current window by choosing Import (⌘ - =) under the File menu. • If the Claris™ XTND System is available on your Macintosh, you may import styled text from other word processors and selected chapters from existing DOCMaker documents. Choose Import (⌘ - =) under the File menu. • To create a new chapter, choose Insert Chapter under the Chapters menu. New chapters are placed either before or after the currently viewed chapter depending on the setting in the dialog. Similarly to delete a chapter, choose Delete Chapter from the Chapters menu. This is not undo-able! You may also move a chapter to a new location within the document by choosing Move Chapter under the Chapters menu. • You will be prompted for a chapter name when you create a new one. You may also change the current chapter name, at any time. Do this by selecting Rename Chapter under the Chapters menu or by option-clicking the popup item in the lower left portion of the DOCMaker window. • Use standard Macintosh™ editing techniques while creating a document. The Format menu contains items for Font, Size and Style (including colors). The size of selected text may be increased and decreased by 1 point at a time by using the “<” and “>” command keys. • Undo & redo is available for typing & text editing operations. • By selecting Find/Change from the Edit menu you may enter text to be found and/or changed. To change using special attributes (ie. change found text to a desired text format), click on the Special button. • If the current text selection is of a pure text format (ie. all same font, size, style, color), then you may choose Copy Format under the Format menu. You may apply the copied format to any further selection of text by selecting Apply Format under the Format menu. • You may define text formats by name by choosing Define Format under the Format menu. To define a new text format, select New Format and enter the name and text style attributes (ie. font, size, style, color) and click on the Define button. To use a defined text format, just select its name under the Format menu. To remove a format, open the Define Format dialog, select the format name and click on the Delete button. Each color also has Shift-Command key equivalents: Black.....⌘ shift-P Green.....⌘ shift-G Red.......⌘ shift-R Magenta...⌘ shift-M Blue......⌘ shift-B Cyan......⌘ shift-C White.....⌘ shift-W Yellow....⌘ shift-Y • Use Cut, Copy, and Paste for text and graphics. • You may paste graphics into the document at the insertion point. The graphic is displayed (and printed) in left, center or right justified format. The default (left justified) may be re-set under preferences. To manipulate graphics, you must first select the graphic you wish to copy, cut, delete or justify by choosing the menu item Select Next Picture (⌘ - N) under the Edit menu. • Each graphic may be set for clipped or scaled viewing. This is done by first selecting the picture (⌘ - N) and then choosing Display Picture » Clipped or Display Picture » Scaled under the Edit menu. • Pictures may be changed to buttons or “Hot Pictures” by selecting them and then choosing Picture Settings under the Edit menu. Picture actions include: going to another chapter; printing; jump to another application, play sounds, showing QuickTime™ movies. • No operation is global for all chapters. You only work on one chapter at a time (the currently viewed chapter). • The view and print margins for each chapter may be set using the Window item under the Chapters menu. The chapter text justification may also be set.   Saving Documents • Choose Save or Save As under the File menu to save your document. It will be saved in stand-alone document format. • Selecting Export » Save Text under the File menu will create a TEXT document you may run through your favorite spelling or grammar checker. • Selecting Export » Save Graphics under the File menu will create a Scrapbook File which will contain all of the graphics in a document.   Printing & Page Breaks <-- Click on this picture!! • You may print from the DOCMaker application, as well as, from the stand-alone documents. Printing in the stand-alone documents may be removed as an option when saving from DOCMaker. • If there is more than one chapter in the document, then you are prompted to select which chapters you wish to print. This makes it convenient, for instance, to print only part of a document like the order form in Chapter 3 of this document— hint, hint. • A footer may be printed, automatically, at the bottom of every page. Its contents may be customized in DOCMaker by selecting Footer from under the Document menu. • Another menu item, called Show Page, is found under the File Menu in DOCMaker. When this item is selected the location of the page breaks will be displayed as horizontal lines in the text. The window will display the text wrapping and page breaks just as they will be printed according to the current Chooser setting and page setup. For convenience, you may change the page setup while Show Page is active to see what effect different settings have on the text wrapping and the page breaking. To turn off Show Page just select it again from the File menu. • Also under the File menu is the Insert Page Break item (⌘ - M). To use this, you must already have chosen Show Pages. By choosing Insert Page Break, DOCMaker will break the text where the user wants it. This feature allows you to make sure that the page breaks occur in an appropriate place when printing. You should use the Show Pages item to make certain that page breaks do not fall during any graphics. The page breaks, which you insert, will be shown as dashed lines, while the page breaks calculated by DOCMaker will appear as gray lines.   Miscellaneous • If you have an extended keyboard you may use the Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down buttons with DOCMaker and in its stand-alone documents. The extended keyboard’s Enter key will scroll the window to the current insertion point. The left and right arrows will take you to the next and previous chapters respectively in stand-alone documents. The up and down arrows (in stand-alone documents) will scroll the text up and down just like the scroll-bar arrows. • The following options are available for saving with the stand-alone documents: • Table Of Contents • Customized “About” Dialog & Menu • Footer • Text find dialog • Printing capability • Output text capability • Application transfer capability • You may output from the stand alone documents to a text file by choosing “Output TEXT…” under the File Menu while in a stand-alone document. • A Transfer item is available in both DOCMaker and the stand-alone documents’ File menus to jump to other applications without quitting to the Finder. • You may customize the “About…” menu and dialog in the stand-alone documents. Details are provided in the users manual you receive after registering. • You may add a hypertext table of contents to your documents which allows the readers a convenient way to navigate. Details are provided in the users manual you receive after registering. • You may specify the size, location, and characteristics of the stand-alone document window. Details are provided in the users manual you receive after registering. Thanks again for supporting shareware— Mark S. Wall GEnie: MSWALL CIS: 73047,1233 AOL: MSWALL Internet: Green Mountain Software, HSV AL (205) 883-7910